tora of the streets

tora of the streets
survivor and champion of trails

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A visit from Copenhagen friends...

Yesterday, in the sweltering heat of late-May, Tara Thorsen and her friend from Copenhagen in Denmark, paid a loving visit to SASS ashrama. I understand that all the animals - including our little bull, Nandi, gave her a resounding welcome. It was just fantastic to feel the connexion - clear across the globe - with friends who care.  Thanks, Tara!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

time for a visit from Denmark

Its Nandi - our bull's birthday. We take this occasion to inform our readers that we now have our own little farm-house and are making arrangements for a veternarian crew from Copenhagen to visit SASS and help sterilise our new dog adoptees. Viola! Thanks you for following our progress through the years...

a new home for Nandi and Chitki and family...

More recently, SASS expanded its services to rescues of street cows, bulls, and calves. We have a great new friend called 'Nandi' who joined our family a month ago. He was found unconscious on the street in Sarnath after a beating from a local shop-keeper. He now lives on our farm and is wonderful to be around. Anna, a housemate, insists that Nandi loves ambient music. His tastes, otherwise, are mueslix and corn on the cob!